Total Materia Horizon
Total Materia Horizon is the ultimate materials information solution, providing unparalleled access to over 540,000 metallic and non-metallic materials and provides curated, updated reference data providing:
- Comprehensive data on mechanical, physical properties
- >80 Global standards and their equivalencies
- Precision tools for comparison and analytics streamlining the selection process.
- Stress-strain, formability, fatigue, creep and fracture data
- Exports to over 25 CAx formats.
- Heat treatment, metallography, corrosion information
- Welding, brazing and adhesives data
- Monthly updated, traceable sources ensure reliability
Total Materia Integrator
Total Materia Integrator is a turnkey enterprise solution designed for seamless materials information management, integrating both global and your company’s private materials information into a single, secure, authoritative source.
- Seamless connection to >540K reference materials
- Configurable, ready to go, taxonomy for your materials information
- Manage users and deliver accurate data for their profile
- Connect your materials to global equivalents to maintain selection consistency
- Approval and release workflows to maintain control and integrity
- Compliance and sustainability for your materials
- Integrate with CAE, CAD, PLM, ERP and other business tools
- Flexible implementation through access to restful API
Total Materia Predictor
Total Materia Predictor leverages machine learning to offer precise material property modeling and prediction, utilizing the largest curated properties dataset for unmatched accuracy.
- Single and multi-point predictions from 160 ML models across >300K materials
- Predict for >20 properties including mechanical, physical, stress-strain, and fatigue
- Predict properties and behavior from chemical composition
- Clear statistical confidence indicators to aid validation
- Share results with reports internally and externally
- Optimized results from synthetic, proprietary, and deep learning models
Total Materia Green Line
Total Materia Green Line is designed to empower companies with the confidence in their materials' compliance and sustainability.
- Access to 300+ updated global regulations
- Covering REACH, RoHS as well as regional, federal, and state inventories
- Biocompatibility, food contact, and industry regulations e.g., ELV, WEEE, etc.
- Assess compliance of materials simultaneously against multiple regulations
- BOM assessment of substances, materials, and parts
- Assess Life Cycle Assessment for 40+ Indicators
- Accurate CO2 assessment with defined parameters
- Find more sustainable and compliant candidates from 540K materials