Standard ASTM B601 defines the terminology in general use for indicating the temper of copper and copper alloy products. Temper designations for copper and copper alloys are classified according to terminology used by U.S. manafacturers of copper and copper alloy products.
Standard ASTM B601 defines the terminology in general use for indicating the temper of copper and copper alloy products. It defines the terminology of the processes that produce the tempers and the observable changes in the product that result from the processes. Also it establishes an alphanumeric code for use in designating the product tempers.
In the following paragraphs, tempers are classified according to terminology used by U.S. manafacturers of copper and copper alloy products, and are arranged in alphabetical order with their designated code letters:
1. Annealed Tempers, O
Tempers produced by annealing to meet mechanical properties requirements.
O10 | Cast and annealed (homogenized) | O11 | As-cast and precipitation heat treated | O20 | Hot forged and annealed | O25 | Hot rolled and annealed | O30 | Hot extruded and annealed | O31 | Extruded and precipitation heat treated | O40 | Hot pierced and annealed | O50 | Light annealed | O60 | Soft annealed | O61 | Annealed | O65 | Drawing annealed | O68 | Deep-drawing annealed | O70 | Dead-soft annealed | O80 | Annealed to temper,1/8 hard | O81 | Annealed to temper,1/4 hard | O82 | Annealed to temper,1/2 hard | |
2. Annealed Tempers, OS
Tempers produced by annealing to meet standard or special grain size requirements.
OS005 | Average grain size, 0,005mm | OS010 | Average grain size, 0,010mm | OS015 | Average grain size, 0,015mm | OS025 | Average grain size, 0,025mm | OS035 | Average grain size, 0,035mm | OS050 | Average grain size, 0,050mm | OS060 | Average grain size, 0,060mm | OS070 | Average grain size, 0,070mm | OS100 | Average grain size, 0,100mm | OS120 | Average grain size, 0,120mm | OS150 | Average grain size, 0,150mm | OS200 | Average grain size, 0,200mm | |
3. Manufactured Tempers, M
Tempers produced in the product by the primary manufacturing operations of casting and hot working and controlled by the methods employed in the operations.
M01 | As-sand cast | M02 | As-centrifugal cast | M03 | As-plaster cast | M04 | As-pressure die cast | M05 | As-permanent mold cast | M06 | As-investment cast | M07 | As-continuous cast | M10 | As-hot forged and air coole | M11 | As-forged and quenched | M20 | As-hot rolled | M30 | As-hot extruded | M40 | As-hot pierced | M45 | As-hot pierced and rerolled | |
4. Cold-Worked Tempers, H
Tempers produced by controlled amounts of cold work, Cold-Worked (Drawn), Stress-Relieved Tempers, HR-Tempers produced by controlled amounts of cold work followed by stress relief and Order-Strengthening Tempers, HT-Tempers produced by controlled amounts of cold work followed by a thermal treatment to produce order strengthening.
H00 | 1/8 hard | H01 | 1/4 hard | H02 | 1/2 hard | H03 | 3/4 hard | H04 | Hard | H06 | Extra hard | H08 | Spring | H10 | Extra spring | H12 | Special spring | H13 | Ultra spring | H14 | Super spring | H50 | Extruded and drawn | H52 | Pierced and drawn | H55 | Light drawn;light cold rolled | H58 | Drawn general purpose | H60 | Cold heading; forming | H63 | Rivet | H64 | Screw | H66 | Bold | H70 | Bending | H80 | Hard drawn | H85 | Medium-hard-drawn electrical wire | H86 | Hard-drawn electrical wire | H90 | As-finned | HR01 | H01and stress relieved | HR02 | H02 and stress relieved | HR04 | H04and stress relieved | HR08 | H08 and stress relieved | HR10 | H10and stress relieved | HR20 | As-finned | HR50 | Drawn and stress relieved | HT04 | H04 and order heat treated | HT08 | H08 and order heat treated | |
5. Heat-Treated Tempers, T
Tempers that are based on heat treatments followed by rapid cooling
5.1 Quench-Hardened Tempers, TQ
Tempers produced by quench hardening treatments.
TQ00 | Quench hardened | TQ50 | Quench hardened and temper annealed | TQ55 | Quench hardened and temper annealed cold drawn and stress relieved | TQ75 | Interrupted quench hardened | |
5.2 Solution Heat-Treated Temper, TB
Tempers produced by solution heat treating precipitation hardenable or spinodal hardenable alloys.
TB00 | Solution heat treated | |
5.3 Solution Heat-Treated and Cold-Worked Tempers, TD
Tempers produced by controlled amounts of cold work of solution heat-treated precipitation hardenable or spinodal hardenable alloys.
D00 | TB00 cold worked to 1/8 hard | D01 | TB00 cold worked to 1/4 hard | D02 | TB00 cold worked to 1/2 hard | D03 | TB00 cold worked to 3/4 hard | D04 | TB00 cold worked to full hard | |
5.4 Precipitation Heat-Treated Temper, TF
Tempers produced by precipitation heat treatment of precipitation-hardenable alloys.
F00 | TB00 and precipitation hardened | |
5.5 Spinodal Heat Treated Temper, TX
Tempers produced by spinodal heat treatment of spinodal hardenable alloys.
5.6 Cold-Worked and Precipitation Heat-Treated Tempers, TH
Tempers produced in alloys that have been solution heat treated, cold worked, and precipitation heat treated.
TH01 | TD01 and precipitation hardened | TH02 | TD02 and precipitation hardened | TH03 | TD03 and precipitation hardened | TH04 | TD04 and precipitation | |
5.7 Cold Worked and Spinodal Heat Treated Tempers, TS
Tempers produced in alloys that have been solution heat treated, cold worked and spinodal heat treated.
TS00 | 1/8 Hard and Spinodal Hardened (1/8 TS) | TS01 | 1/4 Hard and Spinodal Hardened (1/4 TS) | TS02 | 1/2 Hard and Spinodal Hardened (1/2 TS) | TS03 | 3/4 Hard and Spinodal Hardened (3/4 TS) | TS04 | Hard and Spinodal Hardened | TS06 | Exstra Hard and Spinodal Hardened | TS08 | Spring and Spinodal Hardened | TS10 | Exstra Spring and Spinodal Hardened | TS12 | Special Spring and Spinodal Hardened | TS13 | Ultra Spring and Spinodal Hardened | TS14 | Super Spring and Spinodal Hardened | |
5.8 Mill-Hardened Tempers, TM
Tempers of heat-treated materials as supplied by the mill resulting from combinations of cold work and precipitation heat treatment or spinodal heat treatment.
TM00 | AM | TM01 | 1/4 HM | TM02 | 1/2 HM | TM04 | HM | TM06 | XHM | TM08 | XHMS | |
5.9 Precipitation Heat-Treated or Spinodal Heat-Treated and Cold- Worked Tempers, TL
Tempers produced by cold working the precipitation heat-treated or spinodal heat-treated alloys.
TL00 | TF00 cold worked to 1/8 hard | TL01 | TF00 cold worked to 1/4 hard | TL02 | TF00 cold worked to 1/2 hard | TL04 | TF00 cold worked to full hard | TL08 | TF00 cold worked to spring | TL10 | TF00 cold worked to extra spring | |
5.10 Precipitation Heat-Treated or Spinodal Heat-Treated, Cold-Worked, and Thermal Stress-Relieved Tempers, TR
Tempers produced in the cold-worked precipiation heattreated or spinodal heat-treated alloys by thermal stress relief.
TR01 | TL01 and stress relieved | TR02 | TL02 and stress relieved | TR04 | TL04 and stress relieved | |
6. Tempers of Welded Tubes, W
(Welded tubes are produced from strip of various tempers and essentially have the temper of the strip except in the heat-affected zone.)
6.1 Tube, As-Welded Tempers, WM
Tempers that result from forming and welding when producing tube.
WM00 | As welded from H00(1/8-hard) strip | WM01 | As welded from H01(1/4-hard) strip | WM02 | As welded from H02(1/2-hard) strip | WM03 | As welded from H03(3/4-hard) strip | WM04 | As welded from H04(full-hard) strip | WM06 | As welded from H06(extra-hard) strip | WM08 | As welded from H08(spring) strip | WM10 | As welded from H010(extra-spring) strip | WM15 | WM50 and stress relieved | WM20 | WM00 and stress relieved | WM21 | WM01 and stress relieved | WM22 | WM02 and stress relieved | WM50 | As welded from annealed strip | |
6.2. Tube, Welded and Annealed Temper, WO
Temper that results from forming, welding, and annealing when producing tube.
WO50 | Welded and light annealed | |
6.3 Tube, Welded and Cold-Worked Tempers, WH
Tempers that result from forming, welding, and cold working when producing tube.
WH00 | Welded and drawn to 1/8 hard | WH01 | Welded and drawn to 1/4 hard | WH02 | Welded and drawn to 1/2 hard | WH03 | Welded and drawn to 3/4 hard | WH04 | Welded and drawn to fuul hard | WH06 | Welded and drawn to extra hard | |
6.4 Tube, Welded, Cold-Worked and Stress Relieved Tempers, WR
Tempers that result from forming, welding, cold working, and stress relieving when producing tube.
WR00 | WM00; drawn and stress relieved | WR01 | WM01; drawn and stress relieved | WR02 | WM02; drawn and stress relieved | WR03 | WM03; drawn and stress relieved | WR04 | WM04; drawn and stress relieved | WR06 | WM06; drawn and stress relieved | |
6.5 Tube, Welded, and Fully Finished Tempers, O, OS,H
Tempers that result from both annealing a welded and cold worked tube, or cold working, a welded cold worked and annealed tube. With these treatments, the weld area has been transformed into a wrought structure, and the usual temper designations apply.