ASTM specifications represent a consensus among producers, specifiers, fabricators, and users of steel mill products. ASTM’s designation system for metals consists of a letter (A for ferrous materials) followed by an arbitrary sequentially assigned number. These designations often apply to specific products, for example A548 is applicable to cold-heading quality carbon steel wire for tapping or sheet metal screws.
This article contains a list of standards that covers among other things:
For more information on the ASTM designation system see our related article:
Introduction to the ASTM Standard Designation.
Forgings, Welding and Filler Materials and Powder Metallurgy
Standard Number | Last version | Description | Status |
A 19 | 1936 | Quenched-and-Tempered Carbon-Steel Axles, Shafts, and Other Forgings for Locomotives and Cars | Replaced by A 236 /no materials/ |
A 63 | Alloy Steel Forgings for Locomotives and Cars | Replaced by A 237 /no materials/ | |
A 105/A 105M | 2005 | Carbon Steel Forgings for Piping Applications | /1/ |
A 133 | Alloy-Steel Forgings for Locomotives and Cars | Withdrawn 1941 /no materials/ | |
A 136 | Forge-Welded Steel Pipe | Withdrawn 1945 /no materials/ | |
A 181/A 181M | 2006 | Carbon Steel Forgings, for General-Purpose Piping | /2/ |
A 182/A 182M | 2009 | Forged or Rolled Alloy and Stainless Steel Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings, and Valves and Parts for High-Temperature Service | /88/ |
A 235 | Carbon Steel Forgings for General Industrial Use | Replaced by A 668/A 668M /no materials/ | |
A 236 | Carbon Steel Forgings for Railway Use | Withdrawn 1981 /no materials/ | |
A 237 | Alloy Steel Forgings for General Industrial Use | Replaced by A 668/A 668M /no materials/ | |
A 238 | Forgings, Alloy Steel, for Railway Use | Replaced by A 730 /no materials/ | |
A 243 | Carbon and Alloy Steel Ring, Hollow Cylinder, and Disk Forgings for General Industrial Use | Replaced by A 668/A 668M /no materials/ | |
A 266/A 266M | 2008 | Carbon Steel Forgings for Pressure Vessel Components | /4/ |
A 288 | 2008 | Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Magnetic Retaining Rings for Turbine Generators | /8/ |
A 289/A 289M | 2008 | Alloy Steel Forgings for Nonmagnetic Retaining Rings for Generators | /8/ |
A 290/A 290M | 2005 | Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Rings for Reduction Gears | /19/ |
A 291/A 291M | 2005 | Steel Forgings, Carbon and Alloy, for Pinions, Gears and Shafts for Reduction Gears | /20/ |
A 292 | Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Turbine Generator Rotors and Shafts | Replaced by A 469/A 469M /no materials/ | |
A 293 | Steel Forgings, Carbon and Alloy, for Turbine Generator Rotors and Shafts | /no materials/ | |
A 294 | Alloy Steel Forgings for Turbine Wheels and Disks | /no materials/ | |
A 336/A 336M | 2009 | Alloy Steel Forgings for Pressure and High-Temperature Parts | /45/ |
A 350/A 350M | 2007 | Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Forgings, Requiring Notch Toughness Testing for Piping Components | /13/ |
A 369/A 369M | 2006 | Carbon and Ferritic Alloy Steel Forged and Bored Pipe for High-Temperature Service | /15/ |
A 372/A 372M | 2008 | Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Thin-Walled Pressure Vessels | /48/ |
A 402 | Forged or Rolled Alloy Steel Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings, and Valves and Parts Specially Heat Treated for High-Temperature Service | Withdrawn 1958 /no materials/ | |
A 404 | 1968 | Forged or Rolled Alloy Steel Pip Flanges, Forged Fitings, and Valves and Parts Specially Heat Treated for High-Temperature Service | Withdrawn 1974 /no materials/ |
A 430/A 430M | 1991 | Austentic Steel Forged and Bored Pipe for Hi GH-Temperature Service | Replaced by A312/ A312M /11/ |
A 456/A 456M | 2008 | Magnetic Particle Examination of Large Crankshaft Forgings | /no materials/ |
A 461 | Precipitation Hardening Alloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for High-Temperature Service | Replaced by A564/ A564M /no materials/ | |
A 468 | Method of Normal Magnetic Induction Characteristics of Carbon and Alloy Steel Generator Rotor Forgings | Replaced by A6/ A6M /no materials/ | |
A 469/A 469M | 2007 | Vacuum-Treated Steel Forgings for Generator Rotors | /7/ |
A 470/A 470M | 2005 | Vacuum-Treated Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Turbine Rotors and Shafts | /17/ |
A 471 | 2009 | Vacuum-Treated Alloy Steel Forgings for Turbine Rotor Disks and Wheels | /11/ |
A 473 | 2009 | Stainless Steel Forgings | /90/ |
A 477 | Hot-Worked, Hot-Cold Worked and Cold-Worked Alloy Steel Forgings and Forging Billets for High Strength at Elevated Temperatures | Withdrawn 1991 /no materials/ | |
A 508/A 508M | 2005 | Quenched and Tempered Vacuum-Treated Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Pressure Vessels | /15/ |
A 521/A 521M | 2006 | Steel, Closed-Impression Die Forgings for General Industrial Use | /14/ |
A 522/A 522M | 2007 | Forged or Rolled 8 and 9% Nickel Alloy Steel Flanges, Fittings, Valves, and Parts for Low-Temperature Service | /2/ |
A 541/A 541M | 2005 | Quenched and Tempered Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Pressure Vessel Components | /36/ |
A 579/A 579M | 2009 | Superstrength Alloy Steel Forgings | /27/ |
A 592/A 592M | 2009 | High-Strength Quenched and Tempered Low-Alloy Steel Forged Fittings and Parts for Pressure Vessels | /3/ |
A 594 | Carbon Steel Forgings with Special Magnetic Characteristics | Withdrawn 1986 /no materials/ | |
A 638/A 638M | 2004 | Precipitation Hardening Iron Base Superalloy Bars, Forgings, and Forging Stock for High-Temperature Service | /3/ |
A 649/A 649M | 2009 | Forged Steel Rolls Used for Corrugating Paper Machinery | /9/ |
A 654 | 1979 | Special Requirements for Steel Forgings and Bars for Nuclear and Other Special Applications | Withdrawn 1983 /no materials/ |
A 668/A 668M | 2004 | Steel Forgings, Carbon and Alloy, for General Industrial Use | /13/ |
A 694/A 694M | 2008 | Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Pipe Flanges, Fittings, Valves, and Parts for High-Pressure Transmission Service | /18/ |
A 695 | 1995 | Steel Bars, Carbon, Hot-Wrought, Special Quality, for Fluid Power Applications | Withdrawn 2002 /2/ |
A 696 | 2006 | /2/ | |
A 705/A 705M | 2009 | Age-Hardening Stainless Steel Forgings | /19/ |
A 707/A 707M | 2007 | Forged Carbon and Alloy Steel Flanges for Low-Temperature Service | /8/ |
A 711/A 711M | 2007 | Steel Forging Stock | /no materials/ |
A 723/A 723M | 2008 | Alloy Steel Forgings for High-Strength Pressure Component Application | /18/ |
A 727/A 727M | 2009 | Carbon Steel Forgings for Piping Components with Inherent Notch Toughness | /1/ |
A 730 | 1999 | Forgings, Carbon and Alloy Steel, for Railway Use | Replaced by A668/668M /no materials/ |
A 765/A 765M | 2007 | Carbon Steel and Low-Alloy Steel Pressure-Vessel-Component Forgings with Mandatory Toughness Requirements | /6/ |
A 766/A 766M | Forgings | Withdrawn 1989 /1/ | |
A 768/A 768M | 2005 | Vacuum-Treated 12 % Chromium Alloy Steel Forgings for Turbine Rotors and Shafts | /5/ |
A 769/A 769M | 2005 | Carbon and High-Strength Electric Resistance Forge-Welded Steel Structural Shapes | /8/ |
A 788/A 788M | 2008 | Steel Forgings, General Requirements | /no materials/ |
A 823 | 2008 | Statically Cast Permanent Mold Gray Iron Castings | /14/ |
A 827/A 827M | 2007 | Plates, Carbon Steel, for Forging and Similar Applications | /6/ |
A 836/A 836M | 2007 | Titanium-Stabilized Carbon Steel Forgings for Glass-Lined Piping and Pressure Vessel Service | /1/ |
A 837/A 837M | 2006 | Steel Forgings, Alloy, for Carburizing Applications | /7/ |
A 859/A 859M | 2009 | Age-Hardening Alloy Steel Forgings for Pressure Vessel Components | /3/ |
A 891/A 891M | 2008 | Precipitation Hardening Iron Base Superalloy Forgings for Turbine Rotor Disks and Wheels | /2/ |
A 909/A 909M | 2006 | Steel Forgings, Microalloy, for General Industrial Use | /4/ |
A 940/A 940M | 2006 | Vacuum Treated Steel Forgings, Alloy, Differentially Heat Treated, for Turbine Rotors | /2/ |
A 952/A 952M | 2002 | Forged Grade 80 and Grade 100 Steel Lifting Components and Welded Attachment Links | /no materials/ |
A 965/A 965M | 2006 | Steel Forgings, Austenitic, for Pressure and High Temperature Parts | /43/ |
A 982/A 982M | 2005 | Steel Forgings, Stainless, for Compressor and Turbine Airfoils | /12/ |
A 983/A 983M | 2006 | Continuous Grain Flow Forged Carbon and Alloy Steel Crankshafts for Medium Speed Diesel Engines | /10/ |
A 986/A 986M | 2006 | Magnetic Particle Examination of Continuous Grain Flow Crankshaft Forgings | /no materials/ |
A 1021/A 1021M | 2005 | Martensitic Stainless Steel Forgings and Forging Stock for High-Temperature Service | /16/ |
A 1048/A 1048M | 2006 | Pressure Vessel Forgings, Alloy Steel, Higher Strength Chromium-Molybdenum-Tungsten for Elevated Temperature Service | /2/ |
A 1049/A 1049M | 2006 | Stainless Steel Forgings, Ferritic/Austenitic (Duplex), for Pressure Vessels and Related Components | /10/ |
Standard Number | Last version | Description | Status |
A 205 | Iron and Steel Filler Metal (Arc-Welding Electrodes and Gas-Welding Rods) | Replaced by A233 /no materials/ | |
A 233 | Mild Steel Covered Arc-Welding Electrodes | Withdrawn 1970 /no materials/ | |
A 234/A 234M | 2007 | Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Moderate and High Temperature Service | /18/ |
A 316 | Low-Alloy Steel Covered Filler Metal Arc-Welding Electrodes | Withdrawn 1970 /no materials/ | |
A 371 | Corrosion-Resisting Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Steel Welding Rods and Bare Electrodes | Withdrawn 1969 /no materials/ | |
A 399 | Surfacing Welding Rods and Electrodes | Withdrawn 1969 /no materials/ | |
A 558 | Bare Mild Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding | Withdrawn 1969 /no materials/ | |
A 559 | Mild Steel Electrodes for Gas Metal-Arc Welding | Withdrawn 1969 /no materials/ |
Standard Number | Last version | Description | Status |
A 1054 | 2007 | Standard Specification for Sintered Ceramic Ferrite Permanent Magnets | /no materials/ |
A 811 | 2008 | Soft Magnetic Iron Parts Fabricated by Powder Metallurgy (P/M) Techniques | /2/ |
A 839 | 2008 | Iron-Phosphorus Powder Metallurgy (P/M) Parts for Soft Magnetic Applications | /2/ |
A 904 | 2004 | 50 Nickel-50 Iron Powder Metallurgy (P/M) Soft Magnetic Parts | /1/ |
B 439 | 2008 | Standard Specification for Iron-Base Powder Metallurgy (PM) Bearings (Oil Impregnated) | /7/ |
B 783 | 2004 | Materials for ferrous powder metallurgy (P/M) structural parts | /146/ |
B 848 | 2005 | Standard Specification for Powder Forged (P/F) Ferrous Materials | /19/ |
B 853 | 2007 | Standard Specification for Powder Metallurgy (PM) Boron Stainless Steel Structural Components | /1/ |
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