Grupo: Ferrous Alloys / Structural and constructional steels

Estándar: AISI

Nombre de la propiedad Valores

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Propiedades físicas Nombre de la propiedad Valores

No hay propiedades disponibles para este material. Para ver las propiedades de materiales similares mediante nuestra función de referencias cruzadas, regístrese aquí de forma gratuita.

Nombre de la propiedad Valores
1 Al

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2 B

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3 Bi

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4 C

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5 Ca

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6 Cu

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7 Mn

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8 Nb

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9 P

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10 Pb

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11 S

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12 Se

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13 Si

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14 Te

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15 Ti

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16 V

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No hay propiedades disponibles para este material. Para ver las propiedades de materiales similares mediante nuestra función de referencias cruzadas, regístrese aquí de forma gratuita.

Normativa de cumplimiento disponible Nombre de la propiedad Estado
1 RoHS (Presidential Decree No. 33187)

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2 RoHS (Official Gazette No. 32055)

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3 ELVs (2000/53/EC)

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4 ELVs (Presidential Decree No. 33187)

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5 ELVs (Official Gazette No. 27448)

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6 (EU) No 1257/2013 - EMSA

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8 ED List

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9 Conflict Minerals

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10 IEC 62474

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11 TSCA Section 6(h)

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12 MEPC.379(80)

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13 (EU) No 1257/2013

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14 SIN List

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15 (EU) 2019/1021

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16 CRM

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17 ELVs (GB/T 30512)

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19 CAA - Section 112(r)

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20 RoHS (TR 037/2016)

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21 RoHS (JIS C 0950)

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22 RoHS (GB/T 26572)

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23 (EU) No 517/2014

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24 RoHS ((EU) 2015/863)

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27 SARA 302

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28 (EC) No 649/2012

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29 (EC) No 1005/2009

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30 California Proposition 65

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31 PACSs

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32 SARA 313

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33 NZIoC

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35 RoHS (2011/65/EU)

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39 DSL

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41 REACH ((EC) No 1907/2006, Article 59)

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42 REACH ((EC) No 1907/2006, Annex XVII)

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43 REACH ((EC) No 1907/2006, Annex XIV)

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44 CLP

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45 REACH ((EC) No 1907/2006)

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46 Rotterdam Convention

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47 Stockholm Convention

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48 Montreal Protocol

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49 TSCA High-Priority Substances

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50 Maine Public Law LD1503 (PFAS)

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Indicadores de ACV disponibles Nombre de la propiedad Valores
1 Acidification (accumulated exceedance (AE))

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2 Agricultural land occupation (LOP)

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3 Carcinogenic effects (comparative toxic unit for human (CTUh))

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4 Climate change (GWP100)

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5 Cumulative energy demand (CED)

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6 Ecosystem quality

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7 Fossil fuel potential (FFP)

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8 Fossil fuels (abiotic depletion potential (ADP))

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9 Freshwater ecotoxicity (comparative toxic unit for ecosystems (CTUe))

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10 Freshwater ecotoxicity potential (FETP)

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11 Freshwater eutrophication (fraction of nutrients reaching freshwater end compartment (P))

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12 Freshwater eutrophication potential (FEP)

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13 Human health

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14 Human toxicity (total)

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15 Human toxicity: carcinogenic (HTPc)

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16 Human toxicity: non-carcinogenic (HTPnc)

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17 Ionising radiation (human exposure efficiency relative to U235)

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18 Ionising radiation potential (IRP)

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19 Land use (soil quality index)

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20 Marine ecotoxicity potential (METP)

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21 Marine eutrophication (fraction of nutrients reaching marine end compartment (N))

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22 Marine eutrophication potential (MEP)

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23 Material resources: metals/minerals (surplus ore potential (SOP))

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24 Metals/minerals (abiotic depletion potential (ADP))

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25 Natural resources

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26 Non-carcinogenic effects (comparative toxic unit for human (CTUh))

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27 Ozone depletion potential (ODP)

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28 Ozone depletion potential (ODPinfinite)

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29 Particulate matter formation impact on human health

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30 Particulate matter formation potential (PMFP)

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31 Photochemical oxidant formation potential: ecosystems (EOFP)

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32 Photochemical oxidant formation potential: humans (HOFP)

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33 Terrestrial acidification potential (TAP)

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34 Terrestrial ecotoxicity potential (TETP)

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35 Terrestrial eutrophication (accumulated exceedance (AE))

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36 Tropospheric ozone concentration increase

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37 Water consumption potential (WCP)

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38 Water use (user deprivation potential)

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