AI for Materials. Delivered.
160+ models
300k+ materials
>20 properties

Trained using the largest curated properties data set, ensuring the highest accuracy of predictions

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Solution Capabilities

Gap-Filling Predictions

Leverages the largest curated property dataset for high-accuracy predictions through a choice of optimized models.

Accelerated Material Validation

Quickly validates the suitability of new, cost-effective, stronger, and lighter materials for diverse applications.

Guide Material Supply

Understand the complexities of minor composition changes to drive better application performance of trusted materials.

Enhanced Simulation Quality

Improves the reliability of simulations by utilizing predicted material properties instead of typical values.

Predictor Big Logo
Key Features

From Horizon to Predictor

Quality Digitized Data
Predictor Digitized Data
Curation and Validation
Predictor Validation (3)
Predictor Models
Predictor Predict

How Predictor Helps You Save

Ai Predictor 1
Testing Cost Reduction
Testing Cost Reduction

Lowers material testing costs by providing reliable property predictions, enabling focused and efficient testing programs.

Ai Predictor 2
Accelerated Design Cycles
Accelerated Design Cycles

Speeds up material selection, cutting down on project timelines.

Ai Predictor 3
Consolidated Material Usage
Consolidated Material Usage

Assess existing, approved, and trusted materials for use in other applications.

Ai Predictor 4
Quicker Selection Decisions
Quicker Selection Decisions

Saves on resources and increases efficiency by minimizing dependency on time-consuming physical tests.